Discover the Art of Dance

Discover the Art of Dance

Whether you prefer ballet, jazz, or hip hop , we have a class for you.

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

ich freue mich, dass ihr die gleiche Neugier und Passion für das Unbekannte teilt wie ich, sonst hättet ihr euch nicht die Zeit genommen herauszufinden, was es mit Art.Couture auf sich hat.

Lasst uns herausfinden, was wir noch für Gemeinsamkeiten oder herrliche Gegensätze haben, die uns zu eben dem machen, was wir sind – einzigartig.

Ich kann es kaum erwarten euch kennenzulernen.

Mit Liebe

Unterschrift: Franziska

Dance Your Way: The Inspiring Journey of Our Studio and Our Students

Avada Dance is a studio where you can learn different styles of dance, from hip hop to ballet, in a fun and supportive environment. Our instructors are experienced and friendly, and our studio is spacious and well-equipped.

Meet your instructors

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News, Tips and Stories from Our Studio

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  • November 7, 2024
    Hello world!
  • Juli 10, 2023
    Meet Our New Dance Instructor: Maria Gonzalez
  • Juli 10, 2023
    The Benefits of Dancing for Your Health and Well-Being

Our Studio In Images

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Next Classes

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Spotlight Dance: Our Studio and Students‘ Journey

Dance is a journey of self-growth. Our students have shone in the spotlight. Join us to celebrate their achievements and start your own journey.

Spotlight Dance: Our Studio and Students‘ Journey

Dance is a journey of self-growth. Our students have shone in the spotlight. Join us to celebrate their achievements and start your own journey.

Discover the Art of Dance

Discover the Art of Dance

Whether you prefer ballet, jazz, or hip hop , we have a class for you.